Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Colorful Rooms

~Obviously not a living room, but I am in love with the color of the door, the way the street number is placed on it, and just the overall feel of it~

During my engagement, I would constantly be on the hunt for wedding ideas and inspiration, causing me to plumb the depths of what a little website by the name of Pinterest might have to offer me. We quickly became inseparable and the best of friends, but once the wedding was over, I let my friendship fall to the wayside due to distractions with being newly married, moving and starting a new job. I just recently rekindled "the flame" with Pinterest and I'm back to becoming borderline obsessed with looking up pictures of home decor, particularly living rooms, at the moment. Don't tell me that you don't know what I'm talking about with that addicting website!! 

I've posted pictures today of rooms that I have found to be inspiring. As always, they involve color, a lot of color (would you expect anything less from this gal), and I look forward to using bits and pieces of ideas from these pictures to decorate and add more springy pops of color to our home!

Happy browsing and you can see more of my picks here!


  1. LOVE THOSE!! Oh me goodness I cannot wait to have you and the Mr come help Cory and I save ourselves from our dark bat cave of a home. All your pins are so light, bright, and airy and just about everything our house is not. One common trend I noticed is light colored furniture. Boy do I wish I had tried harder to talk Cor out of the black couch and gone with the softer tan shade. Men! Operation help Rachel begins :)

  2. Rachel you crack me up! We can definitely help y'all decorate; we both love to! One thing I say, you have the ultimate, final say in what decor goes in your home (especially when you do all the cooking and chores)! Can't wait for a shopping trip!

  3. Tehe, my man is stubborn and I am too indecisive to successfully argue anything!
