Well, I didn't start off on the best foot with consistently blogging, but I planon starting a regular schedule next week! Just wanted to pop in and say that I am a very happy girl right now! First things first, I get to travel on some good ol Georgia backroads tonight to see my fiance'! We are doing long distance right now as he finishes up his last year of college, and though it isn't an ideal situation, we make the most of it and REALLY cherish our time that we do have together. The second reason why I am giddy right now is...we have had our first hint of fall weather this past week in southeast Georgia!!! Im sure we are still in for some hot days down here, but this was a welcome change to the 100 degree heat and humidity that has been present most recently! The cooler temps have inspired me to come up with a few DIY projects to get in the Fall spirit and I couldn't help but love this little number (thanks pinterest)! Looks like there is some crafting in my near future! Hope your weekend is cool and fun! And GO NOLES ------->

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