Thursday, May 23, 2013

Beach, Here We Come!

It's Thursday and this girl is still in bed attempting to get as much rest as possible to ward off this cold before it's time to hit the road for our anniversary/Memorial Day trip; I'm desperately trying everything, ie-hot tea, warm baths, medication etc. to fight off whatever is trying to attack me! What are the odds of this happening right before a vacation?! Oh well, I'm putting on my big girl pants, have my mind set that I'm not going to complain and quite determined not to let this minor setback rob me of joy for my much anticipated beach trip. Good luck cold, because I'm a fighter when it comes to you and ain't nobody got time for that! Plus, a bit of sunshine and saltwater is good for the soul, no?! Crossing my fingers nature works its magic on me!

 Hope everyone has a sun filled, relaxing, cold drink sippin' Memorial Day and I'll be back to regular posts next Tuesday! Au Revoir, Sayonara, Peace Out, or as we southerners like to say, Bye Y'all!

P.S. Follow me on Instagram for pictures of our travels (laurinashley15)!
P.P.S These pictures are from Seaside a year ago on our honeymoon and I seriously can't wait to have this be my view for the next four days..."heaven on earth"is my lil nickname for this beachside town.


  1. We have a house in Watercolor and 30A is one of my favorite areas! Drinks at Bud & Alley's as the sun sets is one of my favorite times!

  2. Oh what a lucky duck you are Ashley!! Our dream is to own a house here one day and we started off our vacation last night with drinks at Bud and Alley's as the sun set and it was divine! Happy Memorial Day weekend!
